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Recently Sold Properties in Leopardstown & Surrounding Areas

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€200K €3M

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Estimated Savings Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.

*Savings calculated by subtracting Auctioneera's low fixed fee from the industry standard fee of 1.5%+VAT + marketing expense of €300+VAT.


Auctioneera Leopardstown - the Only Choice for an Auctioneer / Estate Agent in Leopardstown!

We have hundreds of buyers on our online database who are looking to buy property in Leopardstown and the greater Dublin 18 area. These property buyers are ready to transact and are a mix of first time buyers and investors. We also have downsizers who love the convenient location of Leopardstown, close to many amenities including shops, restaurants and leisure activities. Our experienced team of auctioneers have sold many properties across D18 including Leopardstown and so can provide you with an advised market value on your own house or apartment. We can provide you with a free property valuation as the first step when you’re considering listing your property for sale so get in touch today!

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